Advanced Manufacturing Centre
Development of IE 2.0 Project C Advanced Manufacturing Centre Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate (TKOIE) Lead Architectural Consultancy Services (LAC Services) Agreement No. PD/CA/234
Project Description

A multistory industrial building for tenants with high ended technologies. The building is customized to suit the highly automatic production and operation processes such as Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) and the adoption of Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) for goods delivery. Allowance for different production processes such as clean rooms of difference classes and various water and chemical treatment processes.

The building also consists of various green features such as the PV panels, rainwater storage system, automatic parking system, electric vehicle charging system, etc.

Total G.F.A. is around 108,000m2.

Project Value (HK$)
Project Period
06/2017 – 12/2022
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation